
Jan’s 5K Challenge: Hitting the Skids

Published on September 2, 2010

Updated on November 4, 2019

Confession time – I hit the skids on healthy eating. Not just hit, but crashed right through the barricade like a runaway train.

In my defense (yes I’m going to try to rationalize), I have been in the midst of buying a home and moving, both of which happened rather fast. Normally I can adapt to changing situations quite easily, but my usual organized self became the ultimate procrastinator which meant over the last two weeks I ran around like a crazy woman looking for boxes, packing after and before work and over one weekend.  What a nightmare! The nightmare also included a few trips to fast food joints. My friends at each place were very happy to see me.

I hit rock bottom one night with a large chocolate milkshake for dinner. Along with that milkshake (which I drank with no remorse whatsoever), came the most bizarre dreams. Everything from having seizures from looking at a drive-thru window bank teller to dating a young Kurt Russell (okay, so it wasn’t all bad), to arriving at my new home only to find it demolished by a storm.

Think the food was sending me a message?

Now I’m in my new home, have unpacked most my boxes and have enjoyed a quiet evening or two on the deck. Does that mean I’ve also gone back to eating healthier? Yes and no. It’s a process. While I’ve avoided the junk and stocked the fridge with healthy food, I did have a bag of chips with dip on Sunday just because it was there.

The stress of buying a home and moving was my “trigger” to make bad nutrition choices. Do you have a “trigger” and what is it? What strategies do you use to keep on the healthy eating straight and narrow?

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