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Tagged ‘Activity’

Summer camp crisis – active things to do with your kids if summer camp isn’t an option

Closures have had us all reeling lately. If they have put a wrench in your family’s summer plans, fear not. Here are some long-term activities…

Give Thanks by Staying Active This Holiday

Thanksgiving is a day of gratitude. It seems counter-intuitive then, that as we give thanks for our blessings—our health, I hope, chief among them—that we do not make an effort to live healthfully on this day. In fact, most of us do quite the opposite, eating rich foods to the point of discomfort and moving little.

It’s not the only way! Eating healthy and staying active throughout the year is a key factor in preventing cancer. In fact, new research shows that as much as one third of cancer deaths are linked to diet and physical activity. It’s certainly ok to indulge every now and then, but you can still make sure that your Thanksgiving meal includes plenty of vegetables, beans and whole grains.