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Categorized as ‘Breast’ in the Preventable Cancers Taxonomy

Working at the Community Level to Prevent Breast Cancer

It’s the pink-est time of the year! October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and our community grant awardees are helping diverse communities across the country…

Knowledge is Powerful

The Prevent Cancer Foundation has campaigned for cancer screenings for 30 years. These screening tests are integral to early detection, and early detection leads to…

Latinas and breast cancer

Latinas face disparities in breast cancer education as well as access to screening and follow-up care. Compared to non-Hispanic whites and African Americans, Latinas 50…

Alcohol Use and Cancer

Too many harmful accidents and premature deaths are related to alcohol use every year. Cancers caused by excessive drinking are responsible for 200,000 deaths in…

Research progress report: Folic acid and breast cancer risk

We’re donning our brightest shades of pink this month to raise awareness of breast cancer. This year, an estimated 232,670 women and 2,360 men will…

Researcher progress report: The impact of diet on breast and colorectal cancers

Susan Steck, Ph.D., M.P.H., at the University of South Carolina was awarded the Prevent Cancer Foundation – Living in Pink grant last year for her…

Let’s celebrate life! (¡Celebremos la vida!)

¡Celebremos la vida! breast and cervical cancer program translates to “Let’s Celebrate Life!” Through this program, the Prevent Cancer Foundation is proud to be able…

Check Your Mate [video]

What’s more romantic than saving your partner’s life by detecting cancer at its earliest and most treatable stage? The Prevent Cancer Foundation is encouraging all…

10 Ways to Reduce Your Cancer Risk

The Foundation’s #2PreventCancer Campaign is encouraging individuals to take simple steps every day to reduce their cancer risk and to share these smart choices, no…