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Tagged ‘Stories’

Jan's 5K Challenge: Why I Am Walking

Working in the cancer field I know the stats on how many people are affected by cancer each year. How many will be diagnosed. How many…

Jan’s 5K Challenge: We Are Family!

Over the weekend, I attended a birthday/family reunion for my older brother Ray at his farm in Pennsylvania.  I have to admit, I went with…

Step Away 5K: Walking the Walk

The part I have loved about the challenge this year is I’m not alone. Last year being the only one in the limelight was a bit…

Step Away 5K: Getting Back on Track

It’s not easy. The last several months have been challenging for me health wise. But I’m on the upturn, except for getting back into my…

Step Away 5K: This year I’ll be ready & able

Last September, the Foundation held its inaugural Step Away from CancerTM (SAFC) 5K in Washington, DC.  I had decided to “step in” and get in…

A Winning Attitude Helped Olympic Athlete Fight Testicular Cancer

In June, 2008, young Olympic hopeful Eric Shanteau was diagnosed with testicular cancer, just days before the U.S. Olympic swim trials.