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Tagged ‘Cancer screening’

Dialogue for Action 2015: Highlights from Day 1

The 2015 Dialogue for Action ™conference on cancer screening started out with a bang. Hundreds of people traveled to Baltimore—some from places as far as…

Prevention is a Year-Round Effort

Today’s guest blog is by Emily White, Advocacy Manager for Fight Colorectal Cancer. Colorectal cancer isn’t a phrase that rolls off the tongue easily. It’s not a “sexy”…

February: Celebrating Black History Month and National Cancer Prevention Month

Did You Know… – cancer is the second leading cause of death for African-Americans? – three of the five most common cancers for African-Americans are…

Reduce your risk: Lung Cancer Awareness Month

During my sophomore year of college, I watched the ease of cigarette addiction. My hallmate, Jason, started smoking. It was only occasional at first. He…

Saying thanks at the Prevent Cancer 5k

After recently celebrating eight years of being cancer free, I have so much to be thankful for. My family and I are participating in the…

Kickin’ Cancer

When my daughter, Sharon, asked family members to participate in the Prevent Cancer 5k Walk/Run on September 21st, I was the first to sign on….

Reaching American Indian youth with HPV education

Almost all cervical cancers are linked to the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). HPV vaccinations and routine Pap tests make cervical cancer one of the most…

Announcing the 2015 Dialogue for Action®: Expanding Access through Innovation!

Mark your calendars for this can’t-miss event on April 22–24, 2015. Preparation for the 2015 Dialogue is underway. We’re working to bring you the best…

KIPP DC Discovery Academy and the Prevent Cancer 5k Walk/Run

Recently, a beloved student of our school and community lost her mother to breast cancer. Diagnosis of her condition was made aware to our staff…

Campeonas evaluation in full swing

Prevent Cancer Foundation is in the middle of a two-year in-depth evaluation of our new Campeonas contra el cáncer de seno (Champions against Breast Cancer)…