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Tagged ‘Stories’

Prevent Cancer blog carnival: Who do you prevent cancer for?

It is my immense pleasure to welcome you to the first ever Prevent Cancer blog carnival! Pull up your digital chair and take a seat…

Blog carnival: My colonoscopy saved me

“An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.” -Mahatma Gandhi It’s almost 6 pm, which means I survived another Friday 4 o’clock…

Blog carnival: For my family

I prevent cancer for family – not only for my personal family, but for the cohesive, supportive, loving idea of family. Family and cancer are…

Blog carnival: It begins with prevention

Katie was young and full of life. She was an outstanding athlete and gifted student. She wanted to grow up and attend law school. She…

Blog carnival: Because I care

I prevent cancer because I see the pain and fear it causes people I care about. I am a clinical psychologist who was diagnosed with…

Blog carnival: For the women who hold up my world

I prevent cancer for all of the amazing women in my family who devote their lives to helping others. We live in a pink-washed world…

Blog carnival: For my mother

If you asked, my mom would tell you she’s a simple lady. She likes strong coffee, gardening, running and her Detroit Tigers. She likes good…

Blog carnival: For my family

Cancer survivors are often portrayed as heroic, doomed, sweet, patient and forbearing. I was none of these things: when I was diagnosed with Stage II…

Blog carnival: Prevention is a gift

I’m delighted to be participating in the Prevent Cancer Foundation’s “blog carnival,” where people share their cancer stories, say why they stay healthy and who…

Blog carnival: I prevent cancer for…you!

Cancer touches the lives of many families. How often do you hear someone share a story about a friend, a relative or an acquaintance that…