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Tagged ‘Stories’

Blog carnival: My experiences with cancer

I am involved in the effort to prevent cancer as it is near and dear to my heart. I lost one of my instructors to…

Who do you prevent cancer for?

I graduated from college in May and moved to D.C. to live alone because I wanted to establish my own “foundation.” I studied music, changed,…

Colon cancer survivor: Early detection saved my life

As a health educator working for a cancer program, I knew all too well the guidelines for when one should get screened for various cancers….

Adele Lass: Skin cancer survivor

I am a 72-year-old woman. I was diagnosed with melanoma when I was 69.  I noticed what I thought was a bug bite on my…

Musician's struggle with colon cancer inspires a song of thanks.

I was 53 and decided I should get a colonoscopy. I don’t know why, I just felt like I should, being past the age of…

Holly Rose turns her breast cancer into a mission.

On January 13, 2009, a girlfriend of mine posted a reminder to perform a self-breast exam on my Facebook page. I did and to my…

Liliana Hart: My dad's cancer battle inspired me to Stop Cancer Before It Starts!

My father was a hero. But not for the reasons one might think. Yes, he served in the Air Force and was an air traffic…

Celebrate Cancer Survivors Day with words of inspiration

This Sunday, June 2, 2013 marks the 26th annual National Cancer Survivors Day (NCSD), a time to honor everyone living with a history of cancer….

Colon cancer patient: Screening, early detection saved my life

In October of 2012, I became one of the estimated 1.6 million people that heard the words “you have cancer.” I was diagnosed with colorectal…

One man’s healthy weight loss journey

I started on my weight loss journey back in late March 2012. I was in denial about my weight gain until I saw a photo…